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Technology Marketing Toolkit | Keep It R.E.A.L Logo

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Introducing ONE Marketing Promotion That Does The Work Of MANY... All While Delivering A Spectacular, Unforgettable Impression!

It takes multiple “touch points” or impressions to get your prospects’ attention. OR it takes ONE Shock-And-Awe Box! For years, this fully-packed box has been that go-to marketing piece that helps turn warm prospects into paying clients.

The only problem: It takes considerable time, effort and expense to create your own Shock-And-Awe Box. NOT ANYMORE! With our Done-For-You Shock-And-Awe Box service, we will design, print and produce your boxes for you and help create all the components inside. With our proven templates and access to expert copywriters on staff, everything is customized to YOUR business… for YOUR prospects and clients.

For this service, we will create everything you need for an outstanding impression that puts you top-of-mind. From the design and production to the writing and creativity, your boxes will be 100% customized and 100% ready to send to your hot prospects.

- Use your Shock-And-Awe Box when you must make that extraordinary impression, such as:
    - Prior to a sales meeting with a new prospect
    - As a follow-up campaign to a prospect you've met
- Create a POSITIVE ANTICIPATION of meeting with you
- Position yourself as a CREDIBLE AUTHORITY
- DIFFERENTIATE your business in a meaningful way - Your competitors will simply send an e-mail or show up with a brochure
- Overcome any DOUBTS and OBJECTIONS - Provide solutions and confidence instead
- Pre-frame the sale by having them buy into certain "agreements"

What You Get With The Done-For-You Shock-And-Awe Box:

  • The Shock-And-Awe Box Itself — This is the Million Dollar First Impression you want to make. Upon delivery, your prospect or client thinks: “If they go THIS FAR before we meet, imagine what they will do when we say, ‘YES!’” EVERYONE opens it and most KEEP it!
  • Cover Letter — This is what your prospects read FIRST, so make it count!
  • Free Report, Articles And Other Content — The more content you have RELEVANT to your prospect's goals, the more you pique their interest.
  • ​Overview Of Relevant Services — Focus on those few select services that fit your prospect’s specific needs. With each service, highlight the BENEFIT they receive.
  • ​Audio Business Card Or Interview With You — Before your prospect can LIKE and TRUST you, they must KNOW you. They are much more likely to LISTEN to an audio interview.
  • ​Client “Bill Of Rights” And “Guarantee Certificate” — These offer peace-of-mind that your service is second-to-none.
  • ​Awards You’ve Won — Include awards, accomplishments, certifications and education that make you stand out among your competitors.
  • ​Copies Of Your Newsletter — Include one or two of your recent print newsletters. Even better, include a newsletter that focuses on their industry.
Think of your Shock-And-Awe Box like a 550-Horsepower engine. Alone, each component is critical to your overall goal. But when ALL parts are working simultaneously for you, that’s when you achieve maximum engagement and your prospect is most likely to say, “YES!”
Mockup of Shock-And-Awe Box

What Our Members Are Saying...

Barbara Dawson, Kamind IT
I can’t say enough about the Done-For-You Shock-And-Awe boxes that Technology Marketing Toolkit is now producing. Prior to signing up for this, we had struggled to produce a halfway decent box that just never managed to convince anyone that we were better than the competition. The professionalism of our Shock-And-Awe box gives us a huge advantage over our competitors. We believe that the box has helped us win a couple of very significant deals. The team that helped put the box together did an outstanding job of anticipating our needs and making our lives so much easier. I am so happy with the service.

Barbara Dawson, Kamind IT
Brian Eason, Goodwin PC
First impressions are everything, and that’s why we engaged the Technology Marketing Toolkit’s DFY Shock-and-Awe Box service to design and produce our box and all the contents inside. We have received positive feedback from each customer we’ve sent it to, and the Shock-And-Awe Box has really helped our business stand apart from the competition. Before signing up for this service, we struggled assembling the content, designing our box, and figuring out the right items to include across the board. If you’re struggling in a similar manner or you don’t even know where to start, you’ll be thrilled you signed up to enlist their team to come alongside you to make it happen! It’s important to have the shock-and-awe box at your ready to send to new prospects, and this service will help get you there in a timely manner!

Brian Eason, Goodwin PC

Yes, I Want To Deliver An Unforgettable Impression To My Prospects And WIN More Appointments And Business!

IT Services & MSP Marketing Plans
5301 Maryland Way Suite 300 Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: 615-790-5011 | Fax: 615-595-1448 | E-mail: or